Impact network analysis (INA) is a tool for evaluating the likely outcomes of a current or potential seed system project. These results support decision-making by researchers, policy makers, and practitioners. Outcomes can be defined in terms of important features including the potential spread of disease through the system, likely adoption of new varieties in the region, and how well the system serves different categories of stakeholders. INA includes an R package that simulates outcomes for different scenarios defined by the user.
INA can be applied during project development to help make decisions and to identify information gaps for further study. INA can also use disaggregated data on male and female farmers, youth and elders, or between occupational groups (such as seed producers vs traders).
Examples of questions that the tool can address
- What types of interventions are likely to lead to wider adoption of a new variety?
- What are the best strategies for managing a disease in the seed system?
- What subsidies would benefit youth or women?
For more information on the tool
Contact Karen Garrett (University of Florida): KarenGarrett@ufl.edu