1) “Farming households (men and women) [having] access to adequate quantities of quality seeds and plant materials of adapted varieties at all times – good and bad.”
2) “”Farm families are ‘seed secure’ when they have access to seed of adequate quantity, of acceptable quality, and in time for planting. Here we define seed broadly to include not just grains that are sown, but also cuttings, tubers, and other agricultural planting materials. Helping farmers obtain seed enables them to produce for their own consumption and sale. So fostering seed security contributes to food and livelihood security more generally.””
1) FAO. 1998. Seed and Plant Genetic Resources Service, pp.187.
2) Sperling, Louise. 2008. When Disaster Strikes: A Guide to Assessing Seed System Security. CIAT Publication. Cali, Colombia: CIAT.