“Farmers can buy the seed at the offered price. As farmers earn more money from a crop they can afford to buy more seed. An intervention can subsidize seed to make it affordable.”
Bentley, J.W., Andrade-Piedra, J., Demo, P., Dzomeku, B., Jacobsen, K., Kikulwe, E., Kromann, P., Kumar, P.L., McEwan, M., Mudege, N., Ogero, K., Okechukwu, R., Orrego, R., Ospina, B., Sperling, L., Walsh, S., Thiele, G., 2018. Understanding root, tuber, and banana seed systems and coordination breakdown: a multi-stakeholder framework. Journal of Crop Improvement 32, 599–621. https://doi.org/10.1080/15427528.2018.1476998