
Seed systems


“1) “Village-based seed enterprises”

2) “”The VBSEs are farmer-based seed production and marketing schemes that undertake seed business with view to make profit (Bishaw et al., 2008; van Gastel et al., 2008)). They are farmer groups or individuals operating at local level to ensure availability and access of varieties and seeds to farmers in the absence of formal sector or in less favorable environments and remote areas. VBSEs tend to compliment the formal sector and focus on crops neither handled by the public sector nor the private sector.”””


“1) Srinivas, T., Bishaw, Z., Rizvi, J., Niane, A. A., Manan, A. R., and Amegbeto, K. 2010. ICARDA’S Approach in Seed Delivery: Technical Performance and Sustainability of Village-Based Seed Enterprises in Afghanistan. J. New Seeds 11, 138–163. https://doi.org/10.1080/15228861003754156

2) FAO & ICRISAT. 2015. Community Seed Produc on, by Ojiewo CO, Kugbei S, Bishaw Z & Rubyogo JC, eds. Workshop Proceedings, 9-11 December 2013. FAO, Rome & ICRISAT, Addis Ababa. 176 pp. http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4553e.pdf

Last Updated:

Nov. 2020
Variety (of plant)
Yam minisett technique (YMT)